
Angel Numbers

Some of us are terrible in Math! Scoring in exams is a task enough, so once we are out of school atleast some sighs of relief occur within us. One of my friends who has attained 30 years of life experiences gets freaked out if asked for division or multiplication of 3-digit numbers and reach out for calculator app in his phone. Can't blame him - panic comes as part and parcel for many of us in the form of NUMBERS. But do you really think one can stay away from Math? Or Digits? Or Numbers? Hell NO! You look at your calendar & you see numbers. You see through your wall clock and BAM! Digits are there. You scroll through your phone and numbers in many segments come up. So technically - numbers are inseparable from our life.  However, the buzz around ANGEL NUMBERS seem to have flared up in recent times. This term itself pushes our brains to tickle. How can numbers turn angelic when they tend to scare us so much in academics? Well, in the world of spirituality - they do seem like be

Shine Again!

How do you feel when you're mom is about to visit you and you are finally going to get innumerable cuddles, hugs and constant shower of endless love? How do you feel when you are anticipating a gift with an adornment of your most favorite aroma? How do you feel when someone you miss also says to you " I missed you "? Feelings own miraculous potential. They can make you happiest just in a fraction of second. But we are the ones who feel we are at our best when we surpass them. We think that's the way of life. We think that's what makes us practical and being practical is the most important think in the real world. I beg to differ even though I have become part of the same crowd now. I don't shout out with utter ecstacy at the news of my mom's arrival anymore. I don't happily crib about a present that's on it's way to become mine. I don't say back " I love you " to the one who says that to me out loud. I judge my th

Few apps to make your Dubai trip easier!

Travelling to Dubai was something that came at a short notice and hence needed a lot of planning & preparation for me. This was my first literal international visit and I wanted to ensure that I know certain things before-hand and lead a hassle-free trip once I am there. In order to have the same - I researched and downloaded few apps in my phone. Giving you an insight to them below: 1)  Careem For normal commutation, all various types of taxi services can be availed & booked through Careem. It's very similar to the Uber & Ola apps that we use in India. Taxus of Careem run on meter too wherein the rates depend upon the surge, traffic and what baseline price the government has decided at that point in time. Usually the meter starts at the basic price of 5 ADE but you'll get this price rarely as most of the time there are surges. Link to the app is - 2) Moovit Since Dubai will be absolute

We're human!

I got up pretty early today. I often end up suffering from lack of sleep because I feel I have so much going in my mind all the time. I feel like my brain hardly rests. Just like me, I'm sure you all have sets of several emotions, thoughts, fears, pain and all the in-betweens. Nobody is immune to the stroll that humanity takes you on to! Nobody can ever ignore the feelings of solitude, neither the blissful moments and nor the struggles of this world. We’re human. And as soon as we accept that it's perfectly okay to FEEL, it'll be easier for us to live better and deal better with this life. You have not been given your body, emotions, and thoughts to be ashamed of, or to hide, or avoid. You were born with it for a reason. Crafted and created with purpose for a reason. Learning to process things in a healthy way helps us to be free from the burden of hiding our humanity. Of having to excuse ourselves for being…well, ourselves. So what if you ha

Being the first born!

What happens when a mother holds her baby for the first time? She forgets all the pain she has had for bringing the baby into this world. What happens when a father holds his baby for the first time? He keeps gasping to register that the baby is his very own semi-miniature. They are parents. The baby is their own product. But what happens with the ones of the family for whom the baby comes as a BY-PRODUCT? I was born in a joint family. The house where we lived was 15 roomed place with a huge aangan  at the back having two big mango and guava trees. I had my grandparents, my uncle whom I call Kakka and my aunt - I still call her by her name - Mala and I emerged as their BY-PRODUCT.  My father usually stayed out of the town for his business stuffs. My mother used to be always engrossed in some or the other household chores as we had really huge family and she was the elder daughter-in-law. I have had very less interactions with my own parents in childhood days. I was more clo