We're human!

I got up pretty early today. I often end up suffering from lack of sleep because I feel I have so much going in my mind all the time. I feel like my brain hardly rests.

Just like me, I'm sure you all have sets of several emotions, thoughts, fears, pain and all the in-betweens.

Nobody is immune to the stroll that humanity takes you on to! Nobody can ever ignore the feelings of solitude, neither the blissful moments and nor the struggles of this world.

We’re human. And as soon as we accept that it's perfectly okay to FEEL, it'll be easier for us to live better and deal better with this life.

You have not been given your body, emotions, and thoughts to be ashamed of, or to hide, or avoid. You were born with it for a reason. Crafted and created with purpose for a reason. Learning to process things in a healthy way helps us to be free from the burden of hiding our humanity. Of having to excuse ourselves for being…well, ourselves.

So what if you had a crappy day today?
You’re human.
So what if you have insecurities?
You’re human.
So what if sometimes things don’t go as you planned?
You’re human.

We will all have our ups and downs. Lows and highs. Goods and bads. And that's inevitable part of life.

You are allowed to feel. You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to have a bad day, or two, or even a bad year. Things won’t always be amazing and thats OKAY.
I will also say this: if you find yourself struggling a lot, it’s okay to seek help and guidance.

Allow yourself to discover the beautiful journey that life can be, without having to apologize for being human.
I pray this week continues to be a beautiful journey of self awareness and self love.

You deserve it.
With all the love in the world -
Speaking Juliet!


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