Angel Numbers

Some of us are terrible in Math! Scoring in exams is a task enough, so once we are out of school atleast some sighs of relief occur within us. One of my friends who has attained 30 years of life experiences gets freaked out if asked for division or multiplication of 3-digit numbers and reach out for calculator app in his phone. Can't blame him - panic comes as part and parcel for many of us in the form of NUMBERS.

But do you really think one can stay away from Math? Or Digits? Or Numbers? Hell NO! You look at your calendar & you see numbers. You see through your wall clock and BAM! Digits are there. You scroll through your phone and numbers in many segments come up. So technically - numbers are inseparable from our life. 

However, the buzz around ANGEL NUMBERS seem to have flared up in recent times. This term itself pushes our brains to tickle. How can numbers turn angelic when they tend to scare us so much in academics? Well, in the world of spirituality - they do seem like being angelic. Why? Because numbers are considered to have specific vibrations which give rise to certain energy. This is why people tend to follow numerology to make certain life decisions. And when some numbers repeat in certain pattern, the vibrations cause variations in one or another form if utilised in a certain way. 

Have you been fortunate enough to witness or live through the days of 02/02/2020, 20/02/2002, 01/01/2020, 11/11/2002 etc.? Well, some people put these days to good usage and meditate on their wishes & desires on these days. They believe that the universe is more open to granting your wishes that you ask for on these days. Not only this, some people even close their eyes and wish for things when the clock strikes 11:11 on 11th day of each month. They say the universe is at sync during these time slots and manifestations become easier during these times. 

Additionally if you keep seeing 111, 222, 333, 444 etc. around you again and again - chances are high that the universe wants you to know something. They say that the universe at times communicates to you via angels who can't communicate in our language but through digits. And hence the repeated synchronicity. 

111 - You are about to have new beginnings
222 - Take a check & establish peace & harmony around you and in your relationships
333 - Start putting yourself out there, try networking and pave ahead on your ideas
444 - Stay dedicated to your goals as you are very close to accomplish
555 - Something is going to witness a change
666 - Practice self love & self care
777 - Pay attention to your intuition
888 - Start manifesting your material desires
999 - Honor the beauty of endings

I have never really tried to burry myself deep into all these matters but you, if interested, can go for a deep dive into this context. If you feel at any time that something magical happened to you out of nowhere just because you wished for things on these timings or kept seeing angel numbers now and then - feel free to let me know in the comment section! Your experiences may help me mould my knitter as well. 


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