Shine Again!

How do you feel when you're mom is about to visit you and you are finally going to get innumerable cuddles, hugs and constant shower of endless love? How do you feel when you are anticipating a gift with an adornment of your most favorite aroma? How do you feel when someone you miss also says to you "I missed you"?

Feelings own miraculous potential. They can make you happiest just in a fraction of second. But we are the ones who feel we are at our best when we surpass them. We think that's the way of life. We think that's what makes us practical and being practical is the most important think in the real world.

I beg to differ even though I have become part of the same crowd now. I don't shout out with utter ecstacy at the news of my mom's arrival anymore. I don't happily crib about a present that's on it's way to become mine. I don't say back "I love you" to the one who says that to me out loud.

I judge my thoughts upon the thought of being judged by others and hence choose to stay quiet. I choose to not share feelings of happiness. I am terrified about everything that may go wrong. I get startled if something truly manifests inspite of being a big fan of "The secret". At my core, I am no-more relying upon the universe aligning it all.

Want to ask why? Because someone someday showed me that there is a choice of not responding, not sharing your thoughts, being cold at heart, passing off all the positive, loving and romantic thoughts and that shook me to my core. And gradually and eventually - I became that person without even realising how broken, sad and untrue it seems to my own soul. Consequences were my soul feeling ripped all the time! My soul getting in a dire need of being shown the rays of positivity and radiance all over again!

Today as I sit recalling what led me to this and actually how is it so 'unlike me' - I strive to go back to my original self. A self who never cares for being put down! A self that never gives up on the acts of "giving"! A self that's a sweetheart to all and pours immense love to it's dear darling! A self that never cares about the harms! A self that smiles so bright everytime the sun shows up!

Because I choose - no-more to suppress!
What about you?


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