
Showing posts from November, 2022

Angel Numbers

Some of us are terrible in Math! Scoring in exams is a task enough, so once we are out of school atleast some sighs of relief occur within us. One of my friends who has attained 30 years of life experiences gets freaked out if asked for division or multiplication of 3-digit numbers and reach out for calculator app in his phone. Can't blame him - panic comes as part and parcel for many of us in the form of NUMBERS. But do you really think one can stay away from Math? Or Digits? Or Numbers? Hell NO! You look at your calendar & you see numbers. You see through your wall clock and BAM! Digits are there. You scroll through your phone and numbers in many segments come up. So technically - numbers are inseparable from our life.  However, the buzz around ANGEL NUMBERS seem to have flared up in recent times. This term itself pushes our brains to tickle. How can numbers turn angelic when they tend to scare us so much in academics? Well, in the world of spirituality - they do seem like be